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The school nurse file Ahn Eun-young fashion 보건교사 안은영 정유미 패션 - 렉토 recto Have you all seen netflix the school nurse file ????????? health teacher Ahn Eun-young ?? I didn’t have time, so I only watched the trailer on YouTube The overall feeling of the drama ㅠㅠㅠ Jung Yu-mi was so pretty I wanted to see it quickly ㅠㅠㅠㅠ But it was annoying because there was no cigar Ivory tone and bright blue point ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Even kitsch toy knives ㅠㅠ Most likely it's a recto First of all, Jun.. 2020. 11. 30.
라마 니트 베네통 @the_ketchap Benetton knit actor Shin Da-eun knit Benetton sweater Benetton knit actor 신다은 니트 인플루언서 니트 @The_ketchap, who looks so good on Instagram and looks so good Many followers on Instagram always pop up occasionally when browsing ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I didn't follow this guy, but it seems like he keeps sticking to the chubby bang style every time he pops and looks so cute Wearing this sweatshirt goes well with me hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I think Benetton sponsored it, but I think yo.. 2020. 11. 30.
유리한 식탁 유리 니트 선미 니트 폴로 랄프로렌 Hello, there is one month left I think I'm going to run through because I'm stressed out,..............Really...gas stress...I don't want to do everything... Um...the knit sweaters that I wanted to post from before are uploading late...but I really like the colorful and cute knits It's been a bit past but I'm going to post it hahahahahahahahahaha ​ First of all, as soon as I saw it, it was a sho.. 2020. 11. 30.
이하이 레드벨벳 조이 블루 니트 Marc Jacobs X Magda Archer Marc Jacobs X Magda Archer KnitCute sweater ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ series,....so cute,,,,2nd.... MARC JACOBS레드데이즈 - MARC JACOBS 마그다 아처 X 더 인타르시아 스웨터 (reddays.kr)레드데이즈스마트한 명품 쇼핑의 시작, 하이패션을 스마트하게 다가가는 방법 레드데이즈www.reddays.kr 2020. 11. 30.